Salad from the Oven?

Roasted Beet and Spinach Salad with Feta Buttermilk Dressing and PepitasSalad doesn’t immediately come to mind when pondering what the next meal to come from your Wood Stone oven will be. Yet with the ease of roasting beets or peppers, or the quick caramelization of figs, a delicious salad awaits; one with perhaps a little more richness and complexity of flavor than your standard tossed green salad. Here are some combinations that seem more autumnal than summery; perfect for the transitional month of September.

Roasted Beet and Spinach Salad with Feta Buttermilk Dressing and Toasted Pepitas

Blue Lake Bean, Roasted Fig and Hazelnut Salad

Roasted Peppers