Cold Soup from a Hot Oven!

It may seem like an oxymoron, but using the Wood Stone Home oven to roast the tomatoes and peppers in this recipe results in the most delicious gazpacho you’ll ever eat!  The flavors become more concentrated and the skins peel off easily.


You’ll need Farmers’ Market fresh tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, garlic and tarragon as well as extra virgin olive oil, sherry vinegar, country levain bread and spices. 

Gazpacho Ingredients

Roast the tomatoes and peppers in the Wood Stone Home oven.

Gazpacho-Roasting in Oven

After peeling the tomatoes and peppers, mix all ingredients well in a casserole, cover with plastic and refrigerate overnight. (photo)

Gazpacho-After Refrigerator

Purée first in the blender and then force through a food mill.

Gazpacho-Food Mill 

Adjust seasonings and serve well chilled.


Click here for the full recipe:

TIP: Use a high quality, fruity olive oil for this.  And don’t skimp on the amount; it adds not only fabulous flavor but creates a creamy and luxurious mouthfeel.

 ~Chef Ann