Proper Cookware
While pizzas and most breads bake directly on the stone hearth, you’ll want to have a collection of cookware to prepare the many other foods you’ll be enjoying from your oven.
Pizza Peels, Bubble Hook and Floor Brushes. Wood Stone has an extensive line of high quality oven tools. Wood Stone Ovens Tools
Aluminum or “aluminum core” pans. These work well due to their relatively low thermal conductivity. They don’t tend to give “hot spots”; instead they spread the heat out evenly. Restaurant style pizza pans provide an inexpensive and very convenient surface for roasting many foods.
Sauté Pans. Sometimes it’s nice to have a handle for operations that require a lot of stirring, such as cooking shellfish, caramelizing onions or sautéing vegetables. Again, aluminum pans or stainless pans with an aluminum core work best. Our Bubble Hook is useful here for rotating pans by their handles.
Cast Iron. Cast iron cookware is a work horse in the Wood Stone Home oven for everything from searing to deep-frying. It is sturdy, cleans easily and heats evenly. Lodge has a signature line of seasoned cast iron tableware we like, as well as a variety of sizzle skillets with wooden serving platters which are perfect for individual servings of steak or fajitas.
We have found the best selection at:
Paella Pan. This pan is a must-have for any Wood Stone Home oven owner. It’s perfect for quick sautéing or roasting in addition to producing top-notch paellas. Intense heat from the stone hearth instantly heats the liquid as it is added during the cooking process. Top heat radiating from the oven’s dome quickly cooks the meat and shellfish without drying them out.
Cazuela. Traditional terra cotta cookware has been used worldwide for centuries. The versatile Spanish cazuela has always been one of our favorite vessels to use in Wood Stone Home ovens. Available in many sizes, cazuelas hold food at a simmering heat for 5-10 minutes and go beautifully from oven to table for family-style entertaining.
Cataplana. One of the principal benefits of cooking in a Wood Stone Home oven is the ability to cook at high temperatures without moisture loss. This is further enhanced when cooking with a beautiful Portuguese hinged pan called a cataplana. Traditionally made of hammered copper, it has a clamshell shape and is designed to steam shellfish in their own juices. Sauté, steam and serve all in one pan!
Paella pans, cazuelas and cataplanas are available through The Spanish Table:
Covered Claypots. From Moroccan tagines to Mexican bean pots to Italian terra cotta covered casseroles, covered claypots are the perfect vessels for slowly braising food to tender perfection in the Wood Stone Home Oven.
You will find wonderful claypots at: or at
La Chamba Cookware. This beautiful black clay cookware from Colombia is perfect for use in your Wood Stone Home oven. It is made of micacious clay found only in central Colombia which results in a product that can withstand high temperatures and heats evenly. Each piece is handmade as it has been for over 700 years and there are a variety of vessels to choose from. The very classic bean pots are perfect for simmering stews as well as beans. There are all sizes of baking dishes and platters which lend themselves to individual baking/serving ideas. La Chamba even has a line of black dinnerware so you can coordinate your table setting with the cookware.
La Chamba cookware may be purchased at: or at
Chicago-Style Deep Dish pans. Most pizzas are cooked directly on the hearth in a Wood Stone Home oven, but Chicago-style deep dish pizzas require a sturdy pan with 1 1/2 inch sides. We are fans of the 14-in. Chicago Metallic brand pan.
Muffin Pans. These are easy to slip just inside the doorway of the oven to bake a variety of sweet or savory individual breads.
Pizza Screens. While indispensable for landing pizzas just out of the oven to prevent the crust from steaming, these inexpensive aluminum screens can be very handy in the oven as well for heating pre- or par-baked breads, browning a batch of garlic bread or simply re-heating a couple slices of pizza.
Long Tongs. In addition to Wood Stone’s stainless steel oven tool set, long and extra long tongs are very useful for moving and adjusting pans and food without reaching too far into the oven chamber. Tongs are easily available at restaurant supply stores.
If you successfully use cookware that is not mentioned here, we’d love to know about it; please call (800) 578-6836 and let us know.