Daily Operations

General Daily Oven Operation

Bistro 3030 & 4343 (RFG)

The floor temperature is displayed on the controller readout

Push I/O button, all gas will go off, even the pilot.

Place heat-efficience door in doorway. Push I/O button and turn the radiant flame to its highest setting. You should reach the desired cooking temperature within two hours, however warm-up may take longer if the floor has cooled to room temperature. Use the flame height knob to control the amount of heat in the cooking chamber.


  1. As needed (twice per hour), use the floor brush to sweep stray food debris to the doorway, where it can be easily removed with a dough cutter or spatula.
  2. As needed, swab the deck using a damp (not wet) rag wrapped around the floor brush.

Mt. Chuckanut (RFG / RFG-IR)


  1. Push ON/OFF button, all gas will go off, even the pilot. Put oven night door(s) in place to retain heat.


  1. Push ON/OFF button and turn the radiant flame to its highest setting. Oven should stabilize at your desired temperature in 60 to 90 minutes.


  1. As needed (twice per hour), use the floor brush to sweep stray food debris to the doorway, where it can be easily removed with a dough cutter or spatula.
  2. As needed, swab the deck using a damp (not wet) rag wrapped around the floor brush.

Mt. Chuckanut & Bistro 4343 Wood Only ovens (W)

THE FIRE Use only, seasoned hardwoods with a moisture content of 20% or less. Use of soft woods, such as pine, cedar, hemlock etc., and wet or ‘green’ wood, will cause a build-up of residue throughout the exhaust system. (See Wood Stone’s Fuel Wood Facts, or consult factory for information on what types of wood can be used for oven fuel.) The fire should be ignited a couple of hours before the oven needs to be at cooking temperature, and can be located practically anywhere in the oven. Once the oven is being used daily, the fire can be ignited using still glowing coals from the previous day’s fire. The oven is heated more evenly and effectively by the fire positioned on the side rather than in the rear of the oven. Adding about 25 pounds of wood per hour should bring the oven temperature up about 100 degrees per hour (this will vary slightly depending on the type and moisture content of the wood and the size of the oven). The floor temperature is indicated by the digital thermometer and should not exceed 650 degrees. Once the desired temperature is reached, maintain it by addition of wood as needed. Don’t fling wood against back or side walls of oven. At the end of the work day, put night door(s) (for MH ONLY) into door opening to hold heat in the oven overnight.

Do not over-fire this oven. If flames are spilling out of the door opening, or if oven floor temperature exceeds 750 degrees F., you are over-firing the oven. At the start of the following work day, push glowing coals out of the ash pile with 8″ utility peel. Remove ash with ash shovel, leaving live coals to start the day’s fire. Place ashes into metal container with a tight-fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should be placed on a non-combustible floor or on the ground, a safe distance from all combustible materials pending final disposal. They should be retained in the closed container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. Check with your dealer about Wood Stone’s Ash Dolly.

CAUTION: Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, or similar liquids to start or freshen a fire in this oven. Keep all such liquids away from the oven while it is in use.

OVEN FLOOR- As needed, brush food particles and stray fire debris from the oven floor using a long-handled floor brush. If something spills on the floor of the oven, wait for it to burn and/or dry up and then clean the residue off with the floor brush. This process can be sped up by moving a small portion of coals onto the spill causing it to bake off quickly. For removal of fine particles (burned flour or ash), wrap a warm, damp cloth around the brush head and use it to briskly wipe the floor. Do not scrape the oven floor with metal tools having sharp edges or corners!!