Mt. Adams 5’

The Mt. Adams 5′ oven is our largest Mountain Home oven. It features a standard door opening 30 inches wide x 10 inches high. The inside diameter of the oven floor is 52 inches, resulting in a 15-square-foot cooking surface.

All Wood Stone Ovens can be installed indoors or out and are listed for residential use. 

This powerful oven can be configured to be wood-fired, gas-fired or a wood/gas combo. If the oven is configured for gas, the Mt. Adams 5′  is powered with dual gas sources. The oven is powered by an easily adjustable radiant flame gas (RFG) burner located at the rear of the cooking chamber and  also has an 83,000-BTU thermostatically controlled infrared (IR) burner mounted under the floor which facilitates constant deck temperatures and a faster heat up.  If the oven is configured for gas, the fuel type (natural gas or liquid propane) must be specified at the time of order. The heat distribution in this oven can be adjusted to meet the needs of a variety of menu items.

The dense, high-temperature ceramic formulation of which the hearth and dome are cast creates a “deep heat sink” within the chamber of the oven. The 1,100-pound, monolithic, cast-ceramic floor sits on 4 inches of rigid insulation and is poured to a thickness of 4 inches. The 1,100-pound, monolithic dome is also cast to a thickness of 4 inches. The hearth and dome are connected and supported by a carefully tensioned stainless steel exoskeleton, which ensures structural integrity and long life. The body of the oven rests on a 10-gauge steel pan bolted to a heavy-duty, 3 inch angle iron stand. The oven is wrapped with at least 2 inches of spun ceramic fiber insulation and enclosed (top and sides) with 16-gauge galvanized steel. The oven arrives completely assembled and ready to set in place.

The Mt. Adams 5′ Mountain oven was designed to easily facade. Wood Stone offers a large selection of facade extensions to assist you with this process.  To see a variety of facade scenarios and how facade extensions are used, please visit our Mountain Home facade tutorials. Also be sure to check out our Mountain Home configurations.

Questions? Contact us at: 800- 578-6836 or at